Thursday, September 28, 2006

more scratching on board.

now this remind me of me n my manager
i am going to be fined smday for using so much of the whiteboard markers :-)


  1. ohhhhh wow!!!!!!!! jeseeemm ....... tooo good yaar!!!! its too too good !!! thanks a lotttttt ... u sketched them veryyyy well... im saving it .. else send me a copyy ... really liked it a lottt .. u knw wot??!! u shud seriously consider taking sketching n drawing as ur major !!! wow !!! adipoliii...:0)..

  2. hehehe @ office its Jeseem & his manager

    @ home it is Jeseem & his wife :)

    u can use office stationary as much as u want its ur own hehehe

  3. poonaji: thank u bhaijan

    ann maam, i like my present job better, make mistakes and get paid for them and for fixing them. hmm but i will start on it. already growing my hair, to look like a mad artist :)

    boldnbeautiful : Wife, Grrrr. hey u r already making me afraid of a distant future.

  4. chweet niki chan, thank u.
    isn't erasing good. so i can draw a different one tomorrow. it is also fun, to see toons on my whiteboard, instead of all clucky cluttered plans n designs.

    i hav to move to paper smday, so i can try shading, but that only once i start drawing people

  5. hirdu bhaya, thankkku

  6. I always loved Tom and Jerry as a kid! Do post more stuff that you and your colleagues do on whiteboards!
